Looking for honey from local hives; raw honey with local pollen, Manuka honey, honey in combs or other types of honey in Phoenix and Surrounding Counties in Arizona? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Phoenix and Surrounding Counties in Arizona, sorted by county.
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to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
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Updates for March 2025
March 2025: The bees are just waking up in the northern hemisphere, so it will be a few months before 2025 honey is ready, but most apiaries have plenty from the last season in stock
Local Honey listings, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Arizona Honey Farm -
raw honey, from grapefruit, lemons, oranges, other citrus, tangerines, U-pick and
already picked
14014 N. 172nd Avenue, Surprise, AZ 85388. Phone: 623-556-1024. Alternate Phone: 602-361-2248. Fax: 623-556-1021. Email:
bearlovinglady@msn.com. Open:
9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday thru Saturday and 10:00am to 3:00pm Sunday, December thru February; Closed on December 25th Only. Directions: Grove is
approximately 1000 feet West of Cotton Lane and Waddell Intersection on Waddell Road. Look for the signs.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash,
Check, and all major credit cards. As we are a licensed Arizona Citrus Farm we also ship fruit for you back home. Check the web site or inquire
at the Farm. We also now sell Bradbury Killer Bee Raw Honey from our hive and Raw Rocky Mountain Honey from Colorado. For full details
Click here for a link to our Facebook page. Cotton Lane Citrus Honey has been bringing our U-Pick Citrus Farm Visitors fresh from the
Farm Arizona Raw Honey now for over 5 years. We have two different but both outstanding honeys. First our Killer Bee Honey – yes the bees are
Killer Bee hybrids – and they make darn good honey. It is our private label brand and we sell out of it usually very fast each time we harvest
it. The second label is Cotton Lane Citrus Honey – this honey is also Arizona raw honey with all the good pollens and all in it. It comes from
hives all over the west valley of Surprise. Like the Killer Bee Honey it is very good and people swear it tastes better than any honey they buy
in the store. We think so too but we are biased.We also package in bear bottles
If you're looking for a great activity to do with or without the Family come out to our beautiful citrus ranch in Surprise , AZ . and
pick yourself a variety of fresh citrus fruits right off our trees . We have navel oranges , lemons , tangerines , tangelos , White , Pink and
Red grapefruit , Pamelos and more . The trees are all easy to access and pick from and we supply 15 and 40 lb . bags to put the fruit in ,
pickers and even wagons to haul it back to your car in . You are also welcome to take pictures and bring dogs on leashes . 2018 Cost is $20.00
for a 15 lb bag and $30.00 for a 40 lb bag . We offer a $ 5.00 discount per bag to our Veterans with an id card . If you are physically unable
to pick one of our staff will pick it for you for $3.00 additional per bag. We also have raw honey available that people tell us is some of the
best and sweetest tasting available. Free taste sample are available so check it out. Cotton Lane Citrus has now been doing U-Pick Citrus for
over 12 years and was the first grove to do so in the area. Our secret to some of the best navel oranges around is a lot of them grow on
specially spliced trees that grow Both Oranges and Grapefruit on the same tree. It also might interest people to know that even after the u-pick
season is over the remaining fruit is then harvested and donated to the Saint Mary's Food Bank and helps them feed the less fortunate in the
Valley here. (UPDATED: December 26, 2020 JBS)
- Arizona Honey Market - Orange Blossom honey, Summer Flower Honey, Desert
Flower Honey, Allergy Pollen Mix
4024 E Sunnyside Dr, Phoenix, AZ. Phone: 480-980-1171. Open: 11am to 8pm; Please call first. Local, Arizona
flora-fed bees. Raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized honey. No syrups or sugars added....ever! Family owned and operated business
- Arizona Honeybees - raw wildflower honey, beeswax, pollen
4610 N
Perryville rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340. Phone: (480) 530-4266. Phone: (623) 209-9138. Email:
Open: we will still be fulfilling online orders but the honey store is closed to the public until further notice.
- Crockett Honey Co., Inc - Desert mesquite honey, pollen, beeswax, beekeeping
1040 West Alameda Drive, Tempe, AZ 85282. Phone: 480-731-3936. Email:
Open: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Closed Saturdays and Sundays. Our store offers a wide array of bee products ranging from
honey, beekeeping supplies, literature, & beeswax for candles. Whether you’re looking for a fun gift for someone or need to pick up some
supplies for your local beehive, our team is happy to help you find the right product. We at Crockett Honey Co. produce and package the finest
honeys of the Southwest. The Sonoran Deserts produce a mild delicate flavored honey from many desert floral sources. These sources include
Cactus, Mesquite, Catclaw, Palo Verde, as well as many other flowering plants. These honeys are unique in that they are only produced in the
Sonoran Desert regions.
Desert Queen - Honey (retail), Raw honeys, Ultrafiltered honey, Orange blossom honey, Other types of honey, Pollen, Other honey
3rd Ave and Carefree Hwy, Cave creek, AZ 85085. Phone: (602) 449-1109. Open: Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Friday from 11 am to 6 pm and
Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm. Directions: Click
here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Visa/MasterCard . They have 2 small trailers they set up on the side of the road In Cave Creek
and Anthem. Best to call ahead or check their Facebook to confirm hours and location. They also sell honeycomb and Royal jelly.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: August 22, 2023, Suggested by a visitor)
A visitor writes on August 22, 2023: "I love
their honey."
Desert Valley Honey LLC - Honey (retail), Honey
(wholesale), Orange blossom honey, Wildflower honey, Raw honeys,
Other honey products, The hives are not treated with chemicals,
The bees forage in areas not sprayed with chemicals, The bees
are not given antibiotics, Honey from hives on the farm
W Darrel Road, Phoenix, AZ 85041. Phone: (602) 317-1228.
Alternate Phone: (413) 297-7310. Email:
t.balzhyk@desertvalleyhoney.com. Open: Monday to Saturday,
from 8 am to 8 pm. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check,
Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page. Desert Blossom Honey
Mesquite Honey. (ADDED: April 15, 2020)
Gatten's Honey Farm and the Bees - Wildflower honey, beeswax, pollen
50169 West Thola Road Maricopa, AZ 85139. Phone: 520-413-3310. Email:
Golden Bee Gardens - Honey (retail), Orange blossom honey, Wildflower honey, Crystallized honey, Raw honeys, Candles, Beeswax, The
hives are not treated with chemicals, The bees are not given antibiotics, Honey from hives on the farm
N Greenfield Rd & E Adobe St, Mesa, AZ
85205. Phone: (480) 313-6369. Email:
Open: Please email us for honey pickup times. Directions:
Click here for a map and
directions. Payment: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx, ApplePay, Venmo. Citrus Blossom Honey, Mesquite Honey, Desert Blossom Honey,
Mountain Forest Honey (i.e., Catclaw Acacia, New Mexico Locust). (ADDED: December 24, 2022)
H&H Honey - Honey (retail), Orange blossom honey, Raw
honeys, Pollen, Honey from hives on the farm
649 S. 39th
Street, Mesa, AZ 85203. Phone: 503 662 2493 . Email:
rawazhoney4me@gmail.com. Open: Saturday from 8am to 2pm;
Call before you come to pick up; I am also able to meet you
around the east valley; Check out the website and call or
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. H&H Honey provides local
organic Arizona honey to wonderful people. We don't filter our
raw honey. We think the bees know bees know best! We keep the
hives moving so the bees have plenty to eat so they can make the
tasties local raw honey around! Don't miss the next batch! The
H&H Honey hives are nestled in a quiet grove surrounded by
mesquite trees and desert wildflowers. This is the best
environment for our bees to make some of the best tasting local,
organic honey around!. H&H Honey has delicious honey and pollen
to sell! We have Mesquite honey and the same pollen that comes
in when we have a Haboob! Our Honey is Raw and tastes amazing.
We don't filter our honey so you may have the occasional wax
flecks in the honey. It's so good for you! Mesquite honey
$12/Pint, $20/Quart, $75/Gallon Desert Pollen $26/Pint
$49/Quart. Check out our site to purchase for pick up or to
contact us to meet! Thanks!.
Honey Hive Farms - local raw wildflower honey
14611 N. 83rd Avenue, Peoria,
Arizona 85381. Phone: (602) 330-8468. Email:
Open: Farm Store Hours are Saturday 10 am to 1 pm, Call first if you like.
Visit Honey Hive Farms to buy fresh, locally-made honey and see
the honey-making process up close. Honey Hive Farms offers FREE Delivery just like the Milk Man back in the good old days. Your honey is Free if
we do not have it to your home within seven days. Or you can Pick up honey at the farm on Saturday 10 am to 1 pm.
Rango Honey - Raw Honey, Bee Pollen, Canine Honey, Sonoran Clover Alfalfa Honey,
Sonoran Mesquite Honey, Arizona Mesquite Sonoran Desert Honey, Desert Bloom Honey, Orange Blossom Honey
364 S. Smith Rd. Tempe, AZ
85281. Phone: 480-729-6537. Email: info@rangohoney.com. Open: Online sales.
Sweet Life Garden Backyard Farm and Orchard - honey
5049 E Osborn Rd,
Phoenix, AZ 85018. Phone: 480 283 3730. Email:
jillgreen@cox.net. In early November we harvested our
third batch of honey. We are still amazed every time we pull the heavy honey laden frames from the hives. We love our bees!
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Tolmachoff Farms - Honey (retail), Fresh eggs
N 75th Ave, Glendale, AZ 85303. Phone: 602-999-3276. Email:tolmachoff1farms@yahoo.com.
Open: Month of June ONLY on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays
from 8:00 am until 12:00 noon; Summer Season produce stand will
be open from mid May through mid July from 9:00 am till 5:00 pm
daily. Directions: For a map to our farm,
click here. Payment: Cash, Visa/MasterCard. (UPDATED: March
22, 2016)
Rankin Family Farm - Honey (retail), Raw honeys, Tours,
Honey from hives on the farm, Fresh eggs, concessions / refreshment
stand, porta-potties, picnic area, picnic area (bring your own
food), school tours, group reservations, events at your location
(call for info)
924 W. Butte Avenue, Florence, AZ 85132. Phone:
520-705-2469. Email:
rankinfamilyfarmaz@gmail.com. Open: UPDATE for 2021, Their website is gone; Does anyone have current information, are they still open? If so, please write me, their last reported hours were Hours vary considerably; please see our website for current availability and hours.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Honey
Click here for updates. Directions: We are located at 924 W.
Butte in Florence, AZ next to the Windmill Winery.
Click here for a map and directions. We have a Summer Garden and
Vegetable Stand, and a Winter Garden and Vegetable Stand; We also
host events, such as our Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch in October, and
November Fest the first weekend of November;. Payment: Cash, Debit
cards, Visa/MasterCard, WIC Vouchers.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: September 21, 2019)
Adams Family Farm
- UPDATE for 2023: No honey - they sell pot now. Great...
17455 S Round Mountain Rd, Dewey, AZ 86327. Phone: 928-632-8155.
- Mortimer Family Farms - Uses natural growing practices, Honey (retail), Tours, Honey from hives on
the farm, Fresh eggs, Cider mill (fresh apple cider made on the
premises), gift shop, concessions / refreshment stand,
porta-potties are available, picnic area, face painting, Bounce
house, pony rides, petting zoo, farm animals, birthday parties,
weddings and wedding parties, school tours
12907 East State
Route 169, Dewey, AZ 86327. Phone: 928-830-1116. Fax:
928-776-7618. Email:
MortimerFamilyFarms@hotmail.com. Open: Farm Market Open
Daily 8 am to 6 Pumpkin Festival Open Friday 5 pm to 10,
Saturday 10 am to 10, Sunday 10 am to 5 and Halloween Day 5 pm
to 10.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Honey
Click here for updates. Directions: From Phoenix: I-17 to
Cortez Junction. Turn North on Highway 69. Drive 10 Miles to
farm on Right.
Click here for a map and directions. Farm Market Open Daily
8 to 6 Pumpkin Festival Open Friday 5 pm to 10, Saturday 10 to
10, Sunday 10 to 5 and Halloween Day 5 pm to 10. We use natural
practices, but are not yet certified Organic. Payment: Cash,
Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover.
Windmill Park Farmers Market - Honey (retail), Raw honeys, Pollen, Honey from hives on the farm, Fresh eggs, restrooms, picnic area,
picnic area (bring your own food)
9995 E. Cornville Road, Cornville, AZ 86325. Phone: (928) 925-2478. Email:
WindmillParkFarmersMarket@gmail.com. Open:
Monday Afternoons from 2pm until dusk every Monday; The market is opened from March through December. Directions: Located in the Windmill Park
on Cornville Road In Cornville AZ. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. Payne
Gulch Honey. (ADDED: September 25, 2020)