It is a true fact that honey does not go bad. It is one of the very few foods doesn't spoil. Salt, sugar and dried rice are the others. But you won't want to chow down on those!
Honey can crystallize , but it is still safe to eat and can easily be returned to a clear, liquid state (see this page).
The crystals form because honey is a supersaturated solution of simple sugars.
Archeologists found pots of honey, thousands of years old, in Egyptian tombs and discovered the honey was still perfectly safe to eat. After 5,000 years.
and yet still preserved.Why doesn't Honey spoil?
Three simple reasons:
Sumerian clay tablets document that honey was used in 30% percent of their prescriptions.
Ancient Egyptians used honey to make ointments to treat skin and eye diseases.
There is one way honey can spoil: leave it out, unsealed in a humid environment. It can absorb water from the air and eventually change and be able to spoil.
But, so long as you normally keep the lid on and add no water to it, honey will not go bad.