Looking for honey from local hives; raw honey with local pollen, Manuka honey, honey in combs or other types of honey in Chicago and Northeastern Illinois? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Chicago and Northeastern Illinois, sorted by county.
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
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Updates for March 2025
March 2025: The bees are just waking up in the northern hemisphere, so it will be a few months before 2025 honey is ready, but most apiaries have plenty from the last season in stock
Local Honey listings, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Boone County
Cook County
Cavallini's in the Park - Honey (retail), Honey
(wholesale), Cranberry honey, Orange blossom honey, Comb honey,
Raw honeys, The hives are not treated with chemicals, The bees
forage in areas not sprayed with chemicals, The bees are not
given antibiotics, Honey from hives on the farm, gift shop,
concessions / refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area
South Street, Tinley Park, IL 60477. Phone: (708) 444-4946.
cavallinisinthepark@gmail.com. Open: Monday through Friday 5:15am to 1pm; Saturdays 6:30am to noon; Available for order online.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check,
Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page. Cavallini's offers
organic, raw honey from a local apiary year-round. Honey comes
from select crops (available while supplies last) such as
cranberry and blueberry blossom. We have honey combs available,
either dry or submerged in a jar of honey. (ADDED: September 07,
Sloanstead - Honey (retail), Wildflower honey, Crystallized honey, Raw honeys, Honey from hives on the farm
3733 N Lawndale Ave,
Chicago, IL 60618. Phone: (312) 380-1064. Email:
orders@sloanstead.com. Open: We will contact you after we receive your order to arrange a date and time for pickup.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: We will send pickup instructions after we receive your order. Payment: Cash,
PayPal, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx. We offer raw honey from our own backyard hives in the Irving Park neighborhood of Chicago. Nectar
sources come from the trees and vast array of flowers grown in the community. (UPDATED: December 26, 2020) (ADDED: June 15, 2016)
Sweet Comb Chicago - Honey (retail), Beeswax, Beeswax candles, Comb honey, Other honey products
1847 W Farwell, Chicago, IL 60626.
Phone: (773) 517-7512. Email:
sweetcombchicago@att.net. Open: They appear to sell online only. Directions: See their website for directions.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Debit cards,
Visa/MasterCard, AmEx, PayPal . They also sell other honey-based products like soaps and balms (ADDED: September 21, 2023, Suggested by a
Dekalb County
Willow Creek Honey/a> - Honey (retail), Honey (wholesale), Blackberry honey, Lavender honey, Wildflower honey, Comb honey, Raw honeys,
Whipped honey, Beeswax candles, Other honey products, The hives are not treated with chemicals, The bees are not given antibiotics, Honey from
hives on the farm
P.o. Box 188, Shabbona, IL 60550. Phone: (815) 501-9052. Email:
willowcreekhoney@hotmail.com. Open: ay thru Saturday 9 am to 5 pm Open all year; Too Dangerous to have visitors at our site - Please visit
us at the Batavia Farmers Market, or other markets listed on our website. Directions: When working with bees it is too dangerous to have
customers come to our location. Please visit us at the Batavia Farmers Market in Downtown Batavia, IL. Payment: Cash, Venmo, PayPal, Debit
cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page. Batavia Farmers Market on N. River Street June - October Batavia Indoor Market 160 First Street November -
May We do have shipping available on our website. Our honey is raw, local, wildflower honey. We have flavored creamed honey, honeycomb, hot
honey, cinnamon infused honey, beeswax candles (both taper and votive). Honey Sticks and Honey Candy available. We do not sell at our facility,
but at Local Farmers markets and retail stores listed on our website or email us with any questions. (ADDED: January 11, 2022)
DuPage County
- Lyman Woods Center - apiary, beekeeping classes, honey,
901 31st St, Downers Grove, IL 60515. Phone: (630) 963-9388. Open: call to be put on the list. Lyman Woods is home to an educational bee
apiary and offers a range of beekeeping courses. Honey from Lyman Woods apiary will be available for sale in the fall on a first come first
served basis. As well as an educational resource, honey bees are also an essential part of food production - bees are responsible for
pollinating about one-third of our food that sustains us. Lyman Woods Center facebook page. This is a nature preserve in Downers Grove a
mid-city nature retreat with an oak forest, marshlands an walking paths on 150 acres. In 2017, a generous sponsorship from Alter Brewing Company
provided the funds for Lyman Woods to install five additional hives to produce honey for an exclusive local beer. Lyman Woods does not collect
bee swarms. For bee swarms/removal, please contact the Cook-DuPage Beekeepers Association.
(ADDED: March 23, 2023, JBS)
Sunny Day's Honey - Honey (retail), Comb honey, Raw honeys, Beeswax candles, The bees are not given antibiotics, Honey from hives on
the farm
289 N Berteau Ave, Elmhurst, IL 60126. Phone: 630/516-3676. Alternate Phone: 630/607-2136. Email:
crocdd@aol.com. Open: Monday to
Saturday 8 am to 5 pm. Directions: Click here for a map
and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Venmo, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx. (ADDED: September 06, 2020)
Ford County
- Bee Happy Honey - Honey (retail), Raw honey, Alfalfa honey,
Clover honey, The hives are not treated with chemicals, The bees forage in areas not sprayed with chemicals, The bees are not given antibiotics,
Honey from hives on the farm, restrooms
3606 N 1700e Rd, Kempton, IL 60946. Phone: (314) 308-8476. Email:
Open: Please call for hours and availability. Directions: Located on premises of Greenhouse Bed and Breakfast
Directions. or Google maps:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Venmo. We produce clover honey largely foraged from organic
(ADDED: November 05, 2023)
Grundy County
Kane County
- Blackberry Creek Honey Farm -
Honey (retail), Blackberry honey, Clover honey, Wildflower
honey, Comb honey, Raw honeys, Strained honey, Ultrafiltered
honey, Whipped honey, Beeswax candles, Pollen, Other honey
2 S. 599 Bliss Road, Sugar Grove, IL 60554. Phone:
630-291-7725. Email:
beesdance2@gmail.com. Open: Monday through Sunday 8:00am to
9:oopm. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
We give canning classes, soap making and candle making classes.
We give lectures and demonstrations to interested groups. I am a
member and on the Board of the Cook - Du Page Bee Association in
Illinois. We are currently working on our new Web Page. Cherry
and apple blossom orchard honey. Honey candy and Honey straws
Honey Jams and preserves.
Spring Bluff Nursery - Uses
natural growing practices, Honey (retail), The bees are
not given antibiotics, Honey from hives on the farm, Fresh eggs,
gift shop, restrooms, picnic area (bring your own food), farm
41w130 Norris Road, Sugar Grove, IL 60554. Phone:
(630) 466-4278. Email:
plants@springbluffnursery.com. Open: Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 5 pm; Sunday 10 am to 4 pm, April 1 to October 31.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Directions: 5 miles North of Sugar Grove off Bliss Road at
Norris Road. Six miles West of Aurora. Please call for specific
Click here for a map and directions. We use natural
practices, but are not seeking organic certification. Payment:
Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover.
Click here for our Facebook page. U-Pick veggies include
lettuce, okra, beets, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, celery,
cabbage, napa cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, onion, herbs,
flowers, CSA program. (ADDED: April 14, 2020)
- Thanksgiving Farm, Inc. -
Uses natural growing practices, Honey
(retail), Wildflower honey, Strained honey, Beeswax candles,
Tours, Honey from hives on the farm, gift shop, snacks and
refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, petting zoo, farm
animals, school tours
1221 Lindenwood Avenue, Aurora, IL
60506. Phone: 603-818-7594. Alternate Phone: 630-788-2712. Fax:
630-882-6892. Email:
ThanksgivingFarm@live.com. Open: General hours: Monday to
Friday 9 am to 3 pm; Saturday 9 am to Noon; Please call first to
make sure someone will be in the store when you plan to come.
Directions: From the intersection of Orchard Road and Jerico
Road in Aurora, Illinois: Go East on Jerico Road 5 blocks to
Lindenwood Avenue, turn South (right) on Lindenwood and go 5
blocks to our entrance gate Number 1. Then just follow the signs
to parking.
Click here for a map and directions. We use natural
practices, but are not seeking organic certification. Payment:
Cash, Check. We also offer camping on the farm for Scout Troops
and specialize in educational presentations to school groups.
Call for further information.
Kankakee County
Kendall County
Meyer Bees - Honey (retail), Honey (wholesale),
Wildflower honey, Comb honey, Raw honeys, Strained honey, Whipped
honey, Beeswax candles, Other honey products, Beekeeping supplies,
Tours, Honey from hives on the farm, restrooms
2021 Holt Road,
Minooka, IL 60447. Phone: (815) 521-9116. Email:
contact@meyerbees.com. Open: year round; Sunday to Saturday
from 9 am to 6 pm; Call or email first to be sure someone will be
around before you visit us. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit
cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx. All natural wildflower
honey, only strained, never filtered or heated. We also have a
showroom with a complete line of beekeeping supplies for purchase -
woodenware, clothing, tools, treatments, feed items, bottling
supplies, etc. We supply package bees, nucs and local queens and
have a large queen rearing operation onsite consisting of 150+
hives. Honey extraction and bottling services available. Tours
available. (ADDED: December 21, 2018)
Lake County
Heller Nature Center - Honey (retail), Tours and/or demonstrations, restrooms, picnic area
2821 Ridge Rd, Highland Park, IL 60035.
Phone: (847) 433-6901. Email:
mbryant@pdhp.org. Open: Sun-Mon: Closed Tue: 11:30am-5pm Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:30am-5pm Sat: 9am-3pm. Directions: See their website for
directions. Click here for a map and directions. Payment:
Cash, only.. This is the Park District of Highland Park's Heller Nature Center, and they have all of the standard amenities and features you
would expect of a nature center. From this article: Everyones buzzing about Heller Honey/ "On sale now at Heller Nature Center (Tue 11:30am-5pm, Wed-Fri 10:30am-5pm, Sat 9am-3pm), the Recreation Center of Highland
Park (Mon-Thu 5:30am-9pm, Fri 5:30am-8pm, Sat and Sun 7am-5pm), and Madame Zuzu's Cafe (Mon-Wed 8:30am-5pm, Thu-Sat 8:30am-8pm, Sun
8:30am-4pm)." The Recreation Center is 1207 Park Ave West, Highland Park, 60035, contact at 847-579-4554 Madame Zuzu's is 1876 1st Street,
Highland Park, IL, 60035, contact at 847-926-7359
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: September 21, 2023, Suggested by a visitor)
A visitor writes on September 21, 2023:
"Heller is awesome! Fantastic staff, great events and programming, and delicious honey. Highly recommended. "
Honey Lake Bee Company - Honey (retail), Wildflower
honey, Comb honey, Raw honeys, Ultrafiltered honey, Beeswax
candles, Other honey products, Honey from hives on the farm,
farm market
580 Crooked Lane, Barrington, IL 60010. Phone:
(847) 304-0830. Email:
info@honeylakebeecompany.com. Open: By appointment only - we
prefer that you call or order online first, then pickup is
possible at our home. Directions: Come to the door; We do not
have a store.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check,
Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page. Honey Lake Bee Company
supplies local, raw, natural honey and beeswax candles. We
attend the Barrington and Palatine Farmers Markets but pick up
from our home is possible (please place order online
first). We ship across the USA. For more information,
visit our website at
www.honeylakebeecompany.com. (ADDED: October 20, 2018)
LaSalle County
Marshall County
McHenry County
- All Seasons Orchard - Honey (retail), Honey from
hives on the farm, Cider mill (fresh apple cider made on the
premises), U-pick and already picked, farm market, gift shop,
concessions / refreshment stand, porta-potties are available,
restrooms, inflatables/bounce house, jumping pillow, ziplines,
pedal kart track, pony rides, petting zoo, farm animals,
birthday parties, weddings and wedding parties, school tours,
group reservations
14510 Il Route 176, Woodstock, IL 60098.
Phone: 815-338-5637. Email:
info@allseasonsorchard.com. Open: daily rain or shine in
September and October; Monday to Friday, from 10am to 5pm;
Saturday and Sunday, from 10am to 6pm; Labor Day 10am to 6pm,
Columbus Day 10am to 6pm; Email us if you would like to purchase
honey November to August.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Honey
Click here for updates. Directions: All Seasons Orchard is a
u-pick orchard located in Woodstock, IL on Route 176 West, 2.5
miles west of the intersection of Route 176 West and IL Route
47(IL Route 176 and Timber Lane).Click
here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit cards,
Visa/MasterCard, Discover.
Click here for our Facebook page. (UPDATED: February 14,
Stade's Farm & Market - Honey (retail), concessions /
refreshment stand, porta-potties, picnic area,
inflatables/bounce house, jumping pillow, ziplines, train rides
(train on a track), pedal kart track, petting zoo, school tours,
group reservations, events at your location (call for info)
3709 Miller Road, McHenry, IL 60081. Phone: (815) 675-6396.
Alternate Phone: (815) 979-9212. Email:
thefarm@stadefarm.com. Open: Available on a first - come, first - served basis.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Honey
Click here for updates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit
cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover.
Click here for our Facebook page. Stade's Farm host several
special events a year. Please refer to our website for all
information about our Classic Car Show, Truck and Tractor Show,
and Arts & Crafts on the Farm. (UPDATED: September 08, 2020)
Sun Berry Orchard - Uses natural growing practices, Honey (retail), Turkeys (organic, not-hormone-fed),
Fresh eggs
3712 Greenwood Rd, Woodstock, IL 60098. Phone: (847) 404-7555. Email:
Sunberryorchard17@gmail.com. Open: Typical season is from early May through November; in season, Everyday from 8 am to 6 pm. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. We use natural
practices, but are not seeking organic certification. Payment: Cash, Check, Venmo, PayPal, ApplePay, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: June 17, 2021)
Will County
- Bronkberry Farms - Honey (retail), Raw honeys, Honey
from hives on the farm, Fresh eggs, porta-potties are available,
picnic area (bring your own food), farm animals
18061 S.
Bronk Road, Plainfield, IL 60586. Phone: 815-436-6967. Open: mid
April thru November 1st; Tuesday thru Sunday 9:00am to 6:00 pm.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check,
Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard.
- Butterprint Farm - Honey (retail), Honey from hives
on the farm, farm market, snacks and refreshment stand,
restrooms, face painting, petting zoo, farm animals, birthday
parties, school tours
24936 S. 80th Avenue, Monee, IL 60449.
Phone: 708-534-8801. Email:
butterprintfarm@att.net. Open: Hours of operation: weekends
from 10am till 6pm; School group tours weekdays; Times are
flexible. Directions: Butterprint Farm is 35 miles south of
Chicago off of I57. Take I 57 to the Monee-Manhattan exit. Turn
right ,heading West for 3 miles to 80th avenue. Following the
signs, turn right going north to the farm on top of the hill!.
Click here for a map and directions. Open to the general
public on weekends 10am to 6pm in October School group tours
available weekdays by registration for October. Payment: Cash,
only. There is much to see and do on the Butterprint Farm "
winner of a Native Landscaping Award from the U.S.E.P.A. and the
Chicago Wilderness Coalition. Live Entertainment on weekends,
puppet shows, rubber ducky races, barrel car rides, early farm
museum and nature center, and much more!.