Looking for honey from local hives; raw honey with local pollen, Manuka honey, honey in combs or other types of honey in New Orleans and Southeast Louisiana? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in New Orleans and Southeast Louisiana, sorted by county.
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
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Updates for March 2025
March 2025: The bees are just waking up in the northern hemisphere, so it will be a few months before 2025 honey is ready, but most apiaries have plenty from the last season in stock
Local Honey listings, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Jefferson Parish
Lafourche Parish
Thibodaux Bee Company - Honey (retail), Clover honey, Wildflower honey, Comb honey, Raw honeys, Other honey products, The hives are
not treated with chemicals, The bees forage in areas not sprayed with chemicals, The bees are not given antibiotics, Tours, Honey from hives on
the farm, Fresh eggs, farm market, farm animals
1202 Highway 1, Thibodaux, LA 70301. Phone: (225) 717-4504. Alternate Phone: (985) 228-1727.
thibodauxbee@gmail.com. Open: We typically harvest in May, August and October; Sale dates posted on website and facebook.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Venmo, PayPal.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: April 08, 2022)
Orleans Parish
Plaquemines Parish
St. Bernard Parish
St. Charles Parish
St. John the Baptist Parish
St. Tammany Parish
- Big Branch Apiary - Blueberries, honey,
61690 Bremerman Rd, Big Branch,
LA 70445. Phone: 985-422-0880. Email:
Open: June, from 7 am to 4 pm every day in June for blueberry season. You can call or text at 985-422-0880 to check on the harvest. Big Branch
Apiary celebrates their 3 Year Anniversary for the farm on May 22, 2024. We incorporated in February 2020 but purchased our lovely farm on May
22nd, 2020 which felt like the true 'beginning' of our adventure. (ADDED: April 6, 2024, JBS)
Ridemore Ranch and Berry Farm -
Honey (retail), Strained honey, Whipped honey, Wildflower honey, The bees forage in areas not sprayed with chemicals, The bees are not given
antibiotics, Honey from hives on the farm, picnic area you may bring your own food, farm animals, birthday parties, school tours, group
22154 John T Prats Rd, Covington, LA 70435. Phone: (985) 630-4326. Email:
Info@ridemorefarm.com. Open:
By Appointment. Directions: From Covington LA, take State highway 21 East for about 4.5 miles from stoplight at Covington fire station. Turn
right onto State highway 59 toward Abita Springs and go about 1/2 miles (Look for our U-Pick sign on the left). Turn left just before the fire
station (gravel road). Ridemore Ranch is about one quarter mile on the right.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment:
Cash, All credit cards. We are a small farm located on the North Shore, providing an enjoyable place to get away to and enjoy the fun of picking
your own fresh berries and veggies. Bring the kids and enjoy the season. We have honey produced by been on our property. We provide you with
honey made from the blueberry and blackberry blossoms that is extracted in the Spring. The amount of honey is limited, so please call or write
to see if we have any available. (
(UPDATED: April 25, 2023)
Tangipahoa Parish
Terrebonne Parish
- LA Fresh Farms LLC - Honey (retail), Raw honey, Wildflower honey, Honey
lip balm, Other honey products, The hives are not treated with chemicals, The bees forage in areas not
sprayed with chemicals, Honey from hives on the farm, farm market
See notes, Schriever, LA
70395. Phone: (504) 478-3801. Email:
LAFreshFarmsLLC@protonmail.com. Open: We do not sell from the farm; We sell at farmers markets
and festival in several parishes in South Louisiana; Please call to see when we will be at market near
you. Payment: Cash, only. We offer raw honey, scrubs, lip balm, and soap.
December 04, 2024)
Washington Parish
Duncan's Produce - Honey (retail), Comb honey, Raw
honeys, Strained honey, Honey from hives on the farm, Fresh
eggs, restrooms
59328 Adams Rd, Bogalusa, LA 70427. Phone:
985 516-1259. Alternate Phone: 985 516-0974. Email:
ataraninja1@gmail.com. Open: See our website for current
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for our Facebook page.