Find honey from local hives here!

Looking for honey from local hives; raw honey with local pollen, Manuka honey, honey in combs or other types of honey in Northwest Michigan?  Scroll down this page and you will see the aall of thoses in Northwest Michigan, sorted by county. ALWAYS call before you go to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!

And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the information, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.

Updates for March 2025

March 2025: The bees are just waking up in the northern hemisphere, so it will be a few months before 2025 honey is ready, but most apiaries have plenty from the last season in stock

Local Honey listings, by county

Click on Resources above, if you need a county map

Antrim County

Benzie County

  • Champion Hill Farm - Raw honey, spun honey
    200 S Marshall Rd, Beulah, MI 49617. Phone: (231) 651-0682. Phone: 231-882-5855. Email: The honey listed as raw is not heated, it is simply spun out of the comb and strained. The honey listed as liquid is spun out of the comb, heated gently to 115 degrees, filtered and bottled. Our honey is a wildflower mix, with the sweet, delicate flavor of star thistle being the prominent nectar source. You can find our honey at MI Market in Suttons Bay, or Potters Bakery in Traverse City,  or purchase it directly from us by giving us a call. Champion Hill Farm facebook page.
  • Sleeping Bear Farms - honey
    971 S. Pioneer Rd, Beulah, MI 49617. Phone: (888) 912-0017.  We make 100% raw honey products at our farms in Beulah, Michigan and the Florida panhandle. Star Thistle Michigan honey, Florida wildflower honey, and the mystical Tupelo Honey are all available in our online store. .

Charlevoix County

Emmet County

Grand Traverse County (including Old Mission Peninsula)

Kalkaska County

Leelanau County

Manistee County

Missaukee County

Wexford County

  • Cedar Creek Apiaries - honey
    5981 N 41 1/2 Rd, Manton, MI 49663. Phone: (231) 920-2911. Areas served: Traverse City and nearby areas