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Selling Honey in Tennessee

In Tenneessee, if you pack or sell more than 150 gallons of honey per year, you must be licensed and inspected by the State of Tennessee as a food manufacturing facility. Contact TDA Consumer & Industry Services at 615-837-5153 for more information.

Also see Cottage Food requirements in Tennessee here.

 Apiaries (selling more than 150 gallons of honey annually) must be registered with the State of Tennessee by the time of the application period (October 1 - 15, 2019). Contact TDA State Apiarist at 615-837-5342 for more information.

Resources and Opportuinities for Certain (Eligible) Honey Bee producers

TAEP, the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP) was established in 2005 to provide cost share dollars to agricultural producers for the purpose of making long-term investments on Tennessee farms and in rural communities. Participation allows producers to maximize farm profits, adapt to changing market situations, improve operation safety, increase farm efficiency, and make positive economic impact in their communities.

When to apply

The annual application period is usually in early October. Approval notifications are scheduled to be mailed mid-December. Program purchases can be made starting October 1 and must be completed by the program's final reimbursement request deadline. Particpants are encouraged to make purchases and submit reimbursement requests in a timely manner to avoid processing delays at deadline time. Payments are based upon expenses for eligible program items,

Who is eligible?

For the purposes of TAEP, an eligible Honey Bee producer must meet the minimum requirements of beekeeping experience and number of existing colonies as outlined below in Honey Bee Applicant Requirements.

Honey Bee Applicant Requirements


• Minimum experience of five years and current ownership of at least fifteen colonies is required to participate.
• Minimum experience of five years and current ownership of at least thirty existing colonies is required to request cost share for construction of a TDA licensed and inspected Honey Processing Facility.
• Applicants must report experience and number of hives in application proposal to be eligible.
- If the applicant has assisted other beekeepers and mentors in working directly with bees, he or she may count this hands-on experience toward the requirements. The applicant must list the beekeeper’s name, contact information, and length of time spent assisting this beekeeper for this experience to be considered.

- There is not a year requirement for ownership of hives but applicants must own required number of hives at time of application.

See this page for more information about TAEP and applications.

Selling colonies, nucs, packages, queens, used equipment or appliances

Anyone selling colonies, nucs, packages, queens, used equipment or appliances must be inspected by an appropriate official of the state and certified to be apparently free of infectious or contagious regulated bee diseases and pests. All persons desiring to move bees, hives, slumgums, used beekeeping equipment or appliances into the state must apply to the department for a permit. Such application shall be accompanied by a certificate of health certifying that all bees, hives, slumgums, used beekeeping equipment or appliances have been inspected by an authorized official within thirty (30) days prior to transportation into Tennessee, and that such bees, hives, slumgums, used beekeeping equipment or appliances were found apparently free from any regulated diseases or pests.

No bees may be sold, offered for sale, moved, or transported, shipped or delivered within the state, unless they have been inspected by an appropriate official of the state and certified to be apparently free of infectious or contagious regulated bee diseases and pests.

ee this page for more information about selling honeybee colonies, nucs, packages, queens, used equipment or appliances.
