Looking for honey from local hives; raw honey with local pollen, Manuka honey, honey in combs or other types of honey in Chattanooga and Southeast Tennessee? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Chattanooga and Southeast Tennessee, sorted by county.
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
information, please let me know!
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Updates for March 2025
March 2025: The bees are just waking up in the northern hemisphere, so it will be a few months before 2025 honey is ready, but most apiaries have plenty from the last season in stock
Local Honey listings, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Bledsoe County
Bradley County
Hamilton County
Harrison Bay Honey Farm - Honey (retail), Honey (wholesale), Raw honey, Wildflower honey, Comb honey, Swarm control and removal, The
hives are not treated with chemicals, The bees forage in areas not sprayed with chemicals, The bees are not given antibiotics, Honey from hives
on the farm
NO STREET ADDRESS PROVIDED, Harrison, TN 37341. Phone: (423) 665-9101. Email:
harrisonbayhoneyfarm@epbfi.com. Open: For sale by appointment, call; Also sold at select local stores and restaurants. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit
cards, All credit cards, Venmo.
harrison bay honey farm facebook page.
Click here for our Instagram page.
(ADDED: January 08, 2024)
- Nooga Honey Pot - local honey,
Phone: 423-994-7687.
- Ladies of the Lowland - Raw honey,
Swarm control and removal, The hives are not treated with
chemicals, The bees are not given antibiotics, Honey from hives
on the farm
105 East Manning Street, Chattanooga, TN 37405.
Phone: (423) 265-8571. Email:
petegerard@protonmail.com. Open:
Please email or call for an
appointment, this is a residence, so please do not show up
without an appointment. Directions: North Chattanooga.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Our bees are never treated with miticides. They are raised in
horizontal hives and allowed to swarm naturally, never split.
(ADDED: June 26, 2023)
Marion County
McMinn County
Meigs County
Monroe County
- BV Bees - local honey,
425 Old Store Road, Madisonville, TN 37354. Phone: 423-337-1498.
- BellaSoul Farm - local honey,
2127 Reliance Rd, Tellico Plains, TN 37385. Phone: 423-633-5343.
- Diamond Springs Apiary - local honey,
7140 Diamond Branch Rd., Maryville , TN 37801. Phone: 865-789-5684.
- Heritage Farms - local honey,
216 Rural Vale Road, Tellico Plains, TN 37385. Phone: 423-536-8599.
- Summerland Farm - local honey,
Phone: 423-253-7163.
Polk County
Rhea County
Sequatchie County