Find honey from local hives here!

Looking for honey from local hives; raw honey with local pollen, Manuka honey, honey in combs or other types of honey in Memphis and Southwest Tennessee?  Scroll down this page and you will see the aall of thoses in Memphis and Southwest Tennessee, sorted by county. ALWAYS call before you go to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!

And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the information, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.

Updates for March 2025

March 2025: The bees are just waking up in the northern hemisphere, so it will be a few months before 2025 honey is ready, but most apiaries have plenty from the last season in stock

Local Honey listings, by county

Click on Resources above, if you need a county map

Fayette County

Hardeman County

Haywood County

Lauderdale County

Madison County

Shelby County

  • East Buntyn Bees - Honey (retail), Raw honey, Whipped honey, Wildflower honey, Beeswax, Candles, Pollen, Comb honey, Honey lip balm, Crystallized honey, nucs, queens, hives, The bees are not given antibiotics, Honey from hives on the farm
    430 Holmes Cir, Memphis, TN 38111. Phone: (901) 240-5743. Email: Open: Hours vary considerably; pickup by appointment only; Please contact for appointment. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, PayPal, Venmo.
    Click here for our Facebook page
    Click here for our Instagram page.
    We offer a light colored spring/summer honey and a darker fall honey. We offer small volumes of cut comb, chunk honey and creamed honey. We offer Lip balms, beeswax candles, and gift boxes with a mixture of our more popular products.
    (UPDATED: March 22, 2024) (ADDED: November 17, 2023)
  • Landmark Farmers Market - local honey,
    2489 Carnes Avenue, Memphis, TN 38114. Phone: 901-620-9558.
    landmark facebook page. .
  • Windermere Farms & Apiaries- CERTIFIED ORGANIC, Honey (retail), Raw honeys, Strained honey, Beeswax candles, The hives are not treated with chemicals, The bees are not given antibiotics, Tours, Honey from hives on the farm, U-pick and already picked, porta-potties, group reservations
    3060 Woodhills Drive, Memphis, TN 38128. Phone: 901-347-2601. Phone: 901-386-2035. Alternate Phone: 901 3266379. Fax: 901 3857845. Email: Open: We sell our honey at the Botanic Garden Farmer's Market on Wednesday afternoons; It is open from 2 pm to 6 pm; Also the Agricenter on Saturday mornings from 8 am to noon. Directions: Highway 64 (Stage Road) crosses Highway 14 (Austin Peay Highway). Go west on Stage Road 3/4 of a mile after it crosses Austin Peay. Turn right on the second road which is James Road and then take the first right which is Woodhills Drive. click here for a map and directions. Strawberries: 1st week of May through the middle of June Blueberries and blackberries: the middle of June through middle of July. We are certified organic for all crops! Payment: Cash, Check. click here for our Facebook page. You may call and schedule a farm tour for a fee. These are usually done on Thursdays and last about one to one and a half hours. We are the only certified organic farm in Tennessee west of Nashville. We are not allowed to call our honey certified organic because we do not control 70,000 acres, but our bees feed mostly on our farm and the flowers in the neighborhood & river. There are no row crops for miles.

Tipton County