Looking for honey from local hives; raw honey with local pollen, Manuka honey, honey in combs or other types of honey in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire in England? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire in England, sorted by county.
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Updates for March 2025
March 2025: The bees are just waking up in the northern hemisphere, so it will be a few months before 2025 honey is ready, but most apiaries have plenty from the last season in stock
Local Honey listings, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
- Busy Bee Honey Company - natural raw honey and products
Camberley, UK. Phone: 07540 419732. Email:
info@busybeehoney.co.uk. Open: sold online. We are a semi commercial Surrey based business with apiaries in Surrey,
Hampshire and Berkshire. With our apiaries spread over the 3 counties we can provide honey and products locally to where you live.
Gray of Wokingham - strawberries, raspberries, red and
blackcurrants, gooseberries, beetroot, broccoli, broad beans,
carrots, cauliflowers, courgettes, marrows, onions, peas,
potatoes, runner beans, sprouts, tomatoes, rhubarb
Road, Wokingham, RG40 3AN. Phone: 01189 785386. Email:
info@graysfarm.co.uk. Open: Opening times May to October,
Monday to Saturday from 9am to 6pm, until 8pm on Friday in June
and July; CLOSED SUNDAYS (Check their websites for updates to
hours. Click
here for our harvest calendar. Directions: Leave Peach St
Wokingham by Easthampstead Road At White Horse PH Turn right
into Heathlands Road. Farm is 0.3m on R. Or leave Nine Mile Ride
(B3430) opposite Ravenswood Centre. Farm 1 mile on Left. Grays
Farm is a family-run Pick Your Own farm with 65 acres of fruit
and vegetables, all grown for flavour. Especially strawberries,
raspberries and runner beans. The farm shop has farm grown soft
fruits and vegetables, cream, free range eggs, cakes, preserves,
pure fruit juices, honey, ices. Facilities: Plenty of parking,
picnic area, easy access for disabled, toilets. NATIONAL PYO
FARM OF THE YEAR WINNER 2013. Chertsey Show - Silver Salver
winner 2013 for best crop. Our PYO & Farm Shop offers
Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Broad Beans, Rhubarb,
Marrows, Courgettes, Cabbage, Broccoli/Calabrese, Cauliflowers,
Carrots, Parsley, New Potatoes & Spinach. More crops will be
available soon. We are pleased to announce that although the
farm was sold to Wokingham Borough Council in 2014, we are
continuing as tenants for several years to come. Please tell
everyone that we have not gone, but are still very much in
business. (UPDATED: 03 April 2016, JBS) (UPDATED: July 9, 2015,
JBS) (UPDATED: June 27, 2014, from their website) (UPDATED: 10
August 2013, from their website)
Buckinghamshire (Bucks)
- G Stevens and Sons - Soft fruit in season plus
Telephone: 01234 711464. PYO and Farm shop. Honey.
Other shops on site include Bacchus wines. Open 7 days a week
9.30am-7.30pm. Other shops on site include wines and
Home Cottage Farm Shop - apples, pears, plums,
raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, honey
Bangors Road
South, Iver, SL0 0BB. Telephone: 01753 653064. Email:
phinde@homecottagefarm.co.uk. Open: Always call or check
their website before you go; Opening hours are for June, July,
August, September: Tuesday and Thursday 2pm-5pm and Saturday and
Sunday 11am-5p, From late September 7 days a week 11am-5pm or
dusk if earlier; Apple Day this year will be on Saturday 17
October; keep the date free for all the family and help us
celebrate the apple harvest! July/August for plums, raspberries
and apples. . We look forward to seeing you in the Summer. Good
range of less common varieties of apples. Apples are sold from
the Farm Shop loose or in prepared 5kg bags. Plums can also be
picked and sold to order. We grow everything we sell. Come and
pick your own tasty raspberries, plums, damsons and blackberries
in September and October together with most of our 18 apple and
pear varieties. Our Farm Shop sells apples until the crop is
sold out (usually December). Honey is extracted from our own
bees, which help pollinate our fruit. We have our own free range
guinea fowl, chickens and sheep which visitors will usually see
around the farm. Our web site gives you details on what we sell,
where we are and when you can pick or buy our produce. (UPDATED:
03 April 2016, JBS) (UPDATED: July 9, 2015, JBS) (UPDATED: June
27, 2014, from their website)
Peterley Manor Farm - PYO Apples, plums, cherries,
blackberries, red and blackcurrants, raspberries, strawberries,
Tayberries, gooseberries, beetroot, broad beans, French beans,
mange-tout, peas, runner beans, spinach
Peterley Lane,
Prestwood, Great Missenden. Phone: 01494 863566. Email:
hello@peterleymanorfarm.co.uk. Open:
Click here for our harvest calendar. Directions: A4128 High
Wycombe/Grt Missenden Road; turn right before Prestwood signed
Little Missenden/Amersham. Family run farm shop & PYO. Xmas
trees grown on the farm. The farm shop has orchard fruits, soft
fruits, vegetables, free range eggs, preserves, honey, pure
fruit juices. Facilities: Ample parking, picnic area, plants and
shrubs for sale. Our location in the commuter belt and close
proximity to Great Missenden train station, sees even Londoners
venturing out at the weekend for a taste of the countryside. We
began with strawberries, raspberries and broad beans and have
gradually added to the range available to now include
gooseberries, currants and tree fruits including plums and
apples; vegetables such as runner beans, peas, beetroot and
carrots, and the most recent additions include blueberries and
cobnuts. Traditional methods of farming are still used including
organic fertilisers and hand planting. The Pick Your Own starts
in mid June with strawberries and gooseberries and runs right
through to the end of October with autumn raspberries and
various vegetables. Please see our seasonal calendar for
information about specific crop availability. (UPDATED: 03
April 2016, JBS) (UPDATED: June 27, 2014, from their website)
Banbury Self Pick - Many vegetables, Gooseberries, Red
Currants, black currants, Dessert Gooseberries, Strawberries,
Raspberries, Tayberries, Loganberries, Blackberries, Autumn
Raspberries, Cooking Apples, Eating Apples, Plums, Rhubarb
Broughton Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 9UL. Phone: 01295
261406. Directions: we are located on the b4035
Shipston-on-stour road 1mile1/4 from Banbury cross. We also
stock a range of jams ,local honey and preserves. During the
winter we supply coal ,bags as well as loads of logs and boxes
of kindling. As we grow most of the fruit and veg we sell, we
are very seasonal and our product range changes all through out
the year. So its worth while using our contact us and pyo fruit
pages to find out whats on offer at different times of year.
Gooseberries June- July, Red Currants June-July, black currants
July- August, Dessert Gooseberries July-August, Strawberries
June-august, Raspberries July-August, Tayberries July-August,
Loganberries July-August, Blackberries September-October, Autumn
Raspberries August-October, Cooking Apples July-September,
Eating Apples September-October, Plums August-September, Rhubarb
May-July. (UPDATED: 03 April 2016, JBS) (UPDATED: June 27, 2014,
from their website)