Looking for honey from local hives; raw honey with local pollen, Manuka honey, honey in combs or other types of honey in Salt Lake City, Provo and Surrounding Counties? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Salt Lake City, Provo and Surrounding Counties, sorted by county.
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Updates for March 2025
March 2025: The bees are just waking up in the northern hemisphere, so it will be a few months before 2025 honey is ready, but most apiaries have plenty from the last season in stock
Local Honey listings, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Daggett County
Davis County
Elden Foods - Honey (retail), Honey (wholesale), Clover
honey, Orange blossom honey, Certified Organic Honey, Crystallized
honey, Raw honeys, Whipped honey, Tours, Honey from hives on the farm
387 Boynton Road, Kaysville, UT 84037. Phone: (801) 668-9133. Email:
eldenfoods@gmail.com. Open: Monday to Saturday, from 8am to 8pm, Year Round.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit
cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: December 28, 2018)
Duchesne County
Geez Bees - Honey (retail), Raw honey, Whipped honey,
Alfalfa honey, Clover honey, Wildflower honey, Beeswax, Other
honey products, nucs, queens, Beekeeping classes, The bees are
not given antibiotics, Honey from hives on the farm
163 West
975 South, Roosevelt, UT 84066. Phone: (435) 622-6261. Email:
geezbees1@gmail.com. Open: Please call for hours and
availability or order off our website and we can arrange for
local pickup. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit
cards, All credit cards, Venmo.
Click here for our Facebook page. Geez Bees offers raw honey
produced in the Uintah Basin (northeastern Utah). We do our best
to make sure our product is of the highest quality. Nucs are
usually available in a limited quantity in the spring and queens
are usually available mid-summer. Beginner and Advanced
beekeeping classes are offered in late February and/or early
(ADDED: June 13, 2023)
Morgan County
Higbee Honey Farm - Honey (retail), Honey (wholesale), Raw honeys, Alfalfa honey, Eucalyptus
honey, Sage honey), Wildflower honey, Swarm control and removal, Fresh eggs, farm market, gift shop,
events at your location (call for info)
119 Commercial Street, Morgan, UT 84050. Phone: (385)
350-3182. Alternate Phone: (801) 792-8874. Email:
higbeehoney@gmail.com. Open: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm, from April thru ?.
Directions: Click here for a map and
directions. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, All credit cards, AndroidPay, ApplePay, PayPal, Venmo.
Higbee Honey Farm Facebook page.
Higbee Honey Farm Instagram page.
Higbee Honey is a premium brand that prides itself on
maintaining and offering the purest honeys with nuanced flavors found in local and varietal honeys.
Unlike most large honey producers and packagers, Higbee Honey does not blend the various honeys together
when extracting and bottling. This ensures our customers are able to experience pure honey in a way that
opens their minds and expands their understanding of what the amazing world of honey and honeybees has
to offer.
(UPDATED: December 04, 2024) (ADDED: March 20, 2024, Suggested by a visitor)
Salt Lake County
- Hansen Hive Co.
- honey
Salt Lake City, UT. Phone: 801-363-1854. Hansen Hives
& Honey Co. is a locally owned, family-run business that
provides professional beekeeping services. Soon we will bring
our quality honey products to the market. We work to educate the
general public about the fascinating honeybee and our website
provides a place for beekeepers to network.
Summit County
Tooele County
Uintah County
Utah County
- 3beequeens.com
Orem, UT. 84057. Phone: 801-471-3494. 3 Bee Queens is a
Utah county based operation. We work hard to help our bees
provide the best product possible. Our honey is raw and
un-processed. We also offer some beekeeping equipment as well as
queens when they are available.
Rocky Top Fruit farm - Raw honeys, Honey from hives
on the farm, porta-potties
8722 S 6200 W, Payson, UT 84651.
Phone: (801) 465-4408. Email:
shaunaphelps@gmail.com. Open: Normal business hours when we
are open for u - pick; If you need honey during the off season,
give us a call at 801 pm to 465 pm to 4408 and leave am;ssage;
We will make an appointment for you to buy some. Directions:
From I-15, exit 250, head west on 9600 South for 3 miles. Turn
right onto 6200 West. Go north until the road jogs and turn left
on the 600-ft dead end road. We are at the end on the left -
Click here for a map and directions. June 15 to 30 u-pick
cherries August 1 to September 15, u-pick blackberries August 11
to September 30, u-pick peaches October and November, walnuts
available for sale. We use integrated pest management practices
(IPM). Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard,
Discover, AmEx. We are a family-owned u-pick farm. We are
expanding to eventually offer a shed, an animal display, more
varieties of fruit to pick, a pumpkin patch and a corn maze in
the future. Thanks for being patient while we expand. Homemade
jams and jellies from fruit picked on my farm or neighboring
farms. (ADDED: July 19, 2018)
Sidney B's Honey - honey
Benjamin, UT. Phone: 801-798-3224.
sidbhay@aol.com. Local supplier located in Utah County.
Providing raw liquid honey, creamed honey, and a variety of
lotions and lip balm.
- Whitelake Farms - Honey (retail),
Honey (wholesale), Wildflower honey, Comb honey, Crystallized
honey, Raw honeys, Strained honey, Whipped honey, Turkeys
(organic, not-hormone-fed), Honey from hives on the farm, Fresh
1727 North 150 West, Genola, UT 84655. Phone:
801-361-8990. Email:
adamwhitelake@gmail.com. Open: All year. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
We love our bee they produce the best honey. The honey comes
from 6 oz to 55gal drums. We have what you are looking for.
Wasatch County