Looking for honey from local hives; raw honey with local pollen, Manuka honey, honey in combs or other types of honey in New Zealand? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in New Zealand, sorted by county.
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
information, please let me know!
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What's in season in March 2025, and other
timely information:
March 2025: The bees are just waking up in the northern hemisphere, so it will be a few months before 2025 honey is ready, but most apiaries have plenty from the last season in stock
Honey Listings, by area
Click on Local resources above, if you need a county map
North Island
Big Dals Honey - Honey (retail), Honey (wholesale), Comb honey, Crystallized honey, Raw honeys, Beeswax candles, The bees are not
given antibiotics, Honey from hives on the farm
3/50 Panama Rd Otahuhu, Auckland, North Island 1062. Phone: 022 615 9212. Open: Hours and
availability varies considerably as we are often out looking after bees; please call to make an appointment. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. Yes of course you can taste the honey before you buy! Our mission is to offer great honey at great prices.
We also have Manuka Honey and Honey Chai. (ADDED: August 12, 2021)
Bay of Plenty (Kawerau, Opotiki, Rotorua, Western Bay of Plenty,
- R n' Bees - blackberries, boysenberries,
strawberries, Honey from hives on the farm
132 Thornton Road,
Whakatane, North Island 3192. Phone: 07 3080118. Email:
graham@rnbees.co.nz. Open: Monday to Sunday, 8am until
5:30pm during Berry season (from mid October until end of
February); Monday to Saturday 8:30am until 5:30pm in off season.
Directions: On the right, 1.3km from the Whakatane/Matata
intersection heading towards Matata.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. R n' Bees (formerly R & B
Berry Garden) is under new Ownership. We will bring you the same
great tasting and value berries that R & B's were loved for.
EFTPOS payment available during berry season. Beehive visits,
subject to group numbers and staff availability. (ADDED: May 22,
Waikato (Hamilton, Hauraki, Matamata-Piako, Otorohanga, southern
Rotorua, South Waikato, Taupo, Thames-Coromandel, Waikato,Waipa,
Wellington (Carterton, Kapiti Coast, Lower Hutt, Masterton,
Porirua, South Wairarapa, Upper Hutt)
South Island
Otago (Central Otago, Clutha, Dunedin, Queenstown-Lakes,
Waitaki(eastern half) )