Looking for honey from local hives; raw honey with local pollen, Manuka honey, honey in combs or other types of honey in Greater London and Surrey, England? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Greater London and Surrey, England, sorted by county.
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
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Updates for March 2025
March 2025: The bees are just waking up in the northern hemisphere, so it will be a few months before 2025 honey is ready, but most apiaries have plenty from the last season in stock
Local Honey listings, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
There are local hives and honey
nearby in Kent, see this page, and also on
the west side, in
Oxfordshire and
Greater London
- Martina’s Honey Products Limited - raw local honey,
93 Warwick Road, London
SW5 9EZ. Phone: 07956679631. Email: info@martinashoney.products.co.uk. Open: 08:00-17:00-
Monday to Friday. Martina’s wildflower honey is made by bees that have collected nectar from a local source of flowers around Surrey. The taste
and composition of our honey can be mild to medium depending on the flower and season. This helps to create the unique taste in our exclusive
range. Our delicious honey is 100% natural, unheated and unpasteurised, rich in nutrients containing antimicrobial properties.
Parkside Farm -
Honey from hives on the farm, beetroot, blackberries, broad beans,
corn (sweet), courgettes, cucumbers, currants (red and black),
green beans, onions, plums, raspberries, winter squash,
strawberries, tayberries, tomatoes, other vegetables, restrooms, picnic area
Hadley Road,
Enfield, EN2 8LA. Phone: 020 8367 2035. Fax: 020 8367 2035.
Directions: Junction J24/M25, Take A1005 towards Enfield, Turn
right after Royal Chase Hotel into Oak Avenue, Right again at T
junction into Hadley Road and Parkside Farm is 1/4 mile on
Click here for a map and directions. Open: June to
September; Six Days 9am to 5;30pm Closed Mondays October; Times
May vary Ring 020 8367 2035 to check. Season starts sometime in
early June (depending on weather!) with strawberries carrying on
until the middle of October with a wide range of soft fruit and
vegetable crops. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Payment: Cash, Cheque, Debit
cards, Visa/MasterCard. Other Vegetables; Spinach, Swiss Chard.
Parkside Farm has just won the
National Pick Your Own of the Year Award for 2009. Most of our
strawberries are now grown on "Table-Tops" (ie at waist height)
which saves all that bending! We grow nearly 20 different fruits
and vegetables which are grown exclusively for Pick-Your-Own
between June and October. We pride ourselves on the quality of
our produce, which is "as fresh as it gets"! Crops include
“table-top” strawberries (no bending required), raspberries,
beans and sweetcorn. The farm is set in the beautiful rolling
greenbelt countryside just to the north of Enfield, and yet is
easily accessible from all the surrounding areas. Minimum
Charge; £3 per adult/child, which just means that everyone
entering the field has to spend atleast £3 on PYO
fruit/veg. Ample Car Parking, Toilets (including Disabled),
Containers Available, Picnic Area, Debit Cards accepted.
(UPDATED: 03 April 2016, JBS) (UPDATED: July 7, 2015, JBS)
(UPDATED: June 13, 2014, from their website) (UPDATED: April 19.
2013, from their website)(UPDATED: January 19, 2009)
A visitor writes on July 26, 2013: "We went to parkside
and it was brilliant!!!!!! The experience was fantastic! It was
my first time and I was absolutely excited. The farm was very
nice, the staff explained stuff and gave us the tubs. We picked
strawberries, beetroot (really nice sized) courgettes and french
breans and broad beans. Three of us went with a toddler & a baby
and the min. purchase was 8 pounds (2 each, inc the toddler) . I
absolutely loved the experience and will deffo go again(and
again), but to a diff farm perhaps. :o) "
- Busy Bee Honey Company - natural raw honey and products
Camberley, UK. Phone: 07540 419732. Email:
info@busybeehoney.co.uk. Open: sold online. We are a semi commercial Surrey based business with apiaries in Surrey,
Hampshire and Berkshire. With our apiaries spread over the 3 counties we can provide honey and products locally to where you live.
- Croydon Beekeepers Association
- Honey, training
If you’d like to buy Croydon Honey, please email us and we will send you details. Email: sales@croydonbeekeepers.org.uk
- Epsom Beekeepers Association
- Honey, training
Email: info@epsombeekeepers.co.uk.
Hive and& Keeper - raw honey from Hampshire, Norfolk, Surrey, Sussex
Sold online, Hampshire, Norfolk, Surrey, Sussex. Phone: 07971 453330. Email: Emily@hiveandkeeper.com.
Open: sold online. Bee one of the lucky ones to experience the authentic taste of British raw honey, sourced directly from the buzzing hives
nestled in gardens, woodlands, meadows, and fields across the United Kingdom. Each jar is a celebration of pure, British craftsmanship in
beekeeping, offering a unique and naturally diverse flavor profile. Our limited-edition collections produce only 70-450 jars per batch, making
each spoonful a rare and exclusive treat. Discover the richness and complexity of raw honey that's as varied and beautiful as the UK landscapes
it comes from.
- Kingston Beekeepers Association Beekeepers Association
- Honey, training
- Reigate Beekeepers Association Beekeepers Association
- Honey, training
- Surrey Bees - Honey, balms, training courses, etc.
Surrey, UK. Phone: 07900
263 117. Phone: 07966 514 841. Email: surreybees@outlook.com.
- Weybridge Beekeepers Association
- Honey, training
- Wimbledon Beekeepers
- Honey, training
We sell our own honey and other products of the hive, from our teaching apiary in Morden Hall Park on Sunday mornings from 10:00 - 12:00
Training and beekeeping advice and equipment only
- Farnham Beekeepers Association - training, equipment,
Farnham Beekeepers, Rural Life Living Museum, Reeds Road, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 2DL. Email:
info@farnhambeekeepers.org.uk. As well as information on our website, courses on beekeeping and practical help and advice through our apiary, we visit
schools and other societies to give talks, often bringing one of our observation hives in the summer season. We are able to advise on swarms, collecting them
where possible, as well as offering advice on bumblebees, other bees, wasps, etc.
- Guildford Beekeepers Association Beekeepers Association
- training
Email: courses@guildfordbeekeepers.org.uk.